• Dodi Supriyanto STIE Ekuitas
  • Muhamad Ikbal STIE Ekuitas


Indonesia National Islamic Banking Finance continues to experience improvements in terms of assets, third party funds, and financing. However, one of the state-owned banks, namely PT. BRI Bank Syariah, Tbk in 2014 to 2015 the conditions for murabahah financing were in the least expected condition with stagnant amounts and tending to fall when third party funds were in good condition. The study aims to determine how to effect of Wadiah Savings and Wadiah Current Accounts on Murabahah Sale and Purchase Financing at PT. Bank BRI Syariah, Tbk Period 2013-2017. The research method used is descriptive and verification method. The data collection technique carried out in this study was a study of documentation. The data used is quarterly PT. Bank BRI Syariah, Tbk financial statements from 2013 to 2017. The results of this study are that Wadiah Savings partially has a significant effect on Murabahah Sale and Purchase Financing. Wadiah Current Accounts partially have no significant effect on Murabahah Sale and Purchase Financing. Wadiah savings and Wadiah Current Accounts simultaneously have a significant effect on Murabahah Sale and Purchase Financing. Keyword: Wadiah Savings; Wadiah Current Accounts; and Murabahah Sale And Purchase Financing.


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